Data & Consumer Profiles


We help you capture valuable data such as names, email addresses, product purchases and shopper preferences, preferred retailers, and more through purchase validation, offers, promotions, and loyalty programs.

Dashboards & Reports


We track your campaign results on custom dashboards in real-time, then generate actionable reports that focus on business impact such as revenue, reach, market share, user participation, and funnel conversion.

Customer Journeys & Data-Driven Triggers


We help shape your one-to-one consumer journeys from acquisition and activation to retention and advocacy. Leverage our Dynamic Intelligence Suite to automate targeted messaging and drive incremental engagement and sales based on specific events and personalized triggers.

Competitive Reviews & Research


We gather insights for understanding your competitive landscape and capture incremental zero-party and first-party data on buyer attitudes and behaviors to enrich your consumer profiles.

Data & Analytics Engine


Gain insights from powerful first-party data on shopping patterns to understand and influence consumer journeys to help drive incremental actions.

Our Platform Is Trusted By The World’s Most Valuable Brands